5 Powerful Secrets of the Dental Industry

Powerful Secrets of the Dental Industry - UPbook

Jul 8, 2019 3:40:32 AM / by Zuhaib

When it comes to client satisfaction and appointment booking, the dental industry has had it figured out for a long time. Any business concerned with getting more paying clients in the doors and keeping their customers happy can learn from the world of dentistry—your UPbook organization included!

Here are five powerful secrets from the dental industry that your UPbook business can benefit from:

Focus on Re-Care

The concept of re-care is simple: all it means is getting a client back into your office for additional appointments. It’s best to assign one member of your UPbook staff to be completely in charge of this aspect of your schedule. Remember: if everyone is in charge, no one is in charge!

Prioritize Financial Conversations

That same UPbook staff member, or a different one if you so choose, should be dedicated to handling financial conversations with clients. This person will be responsible for handling larger transactions and telling the customer why they’re paying what they are, especially with expensive bills. It’s also up to this person to explain the benefits of recurring appointments.


Pre-scheduling, also called forward-looking, is one of the dental industry’s greatest secrets. It simply means scheduling a client’s next visit to your UPbook business before they’ve left their current appointment. Set up a system for accomplishing this with every appointment, every time. Don’t ask the customer “What’s a good time for you?” Instead, try: “For this type of appointment, we have Monday at 3:00 or Thursday at 10:00.”

Provide an Exceptional New-Client Experience

Your UPbook business must provide a top-level experience for new clients, leaving no doubt in the customer’s mind that they need to come back. Consider what it’s like for a client when they first enter your front doors: what does your office look like, smell like, sound like? Don’t forget about these basic fundamentals of the client experience!

Host Purposeful Meetings

When it comes to staff meetings, don’t allow them to be exercises in futility. Make staff meetings purpose-driven forums for effective, valuable communication. Every meeting at your UPbook organization should have a facilitator that keeps the meeting on-agenda, and a recorder who takes notes for those who can’t attend. The dental industry’s secrets to success aren’t necessarily new, and they aren’t revolutionary. They’re simply too often forgotten! Put these practices to work at your UPbook business and start reaping the benefits right away.

How To Easily Retain More Patients

5 Ways to Revolutionize Your Business’s Appointment Scheduling

Tags: Business, UPbook


Written by Zuhaib