How To Benefit From a T.U.R.B.O. Front Desk

Benefit From Front Desk - UPbook

Feb 16, 2021 1:43:38 PM / by Michael

Did you know that you can benefit from having a turbo front desk? That may sound a bit strange, but having a “turbo” front desk is a great way to bring in more money to your practice. Turbo is only a catchy acronym we created to help you remember all the traits that your front desk workers should practice. T.U.R.B.O. stands for: Thankful, Uplifting, Resilient, Banging, and Organized

The front desk is a very important aspect of your practice and is crucial to its success, as it sets the tone when the patient arrives. The front desk handles important daily tasks, such as customer management and appointment scheduling. Their effectiveness can directly impact your patient retention rate and new referrals. It’s no exaggeration to say practices are only as good as their front desk. That’s why we are diving into how you can optimize your practice by having a T.U.R.B.O. front desk.


Chances are you have more than one practice that you’re competing against. When people call your practice specifically, or come in, you should feel special because there was something about your practice that made them choose you. Maybe it was a referral, a glowing review, or maybe it’s as simple as your office is physically closest to them. Either way, your front desk should be thankful that they’re doing business with that person and need to reflect that attitude. Patients can easily take their business elsewhere, so being thankful for their business is always key to retaining patients.


Patients are coming in because they have an issue that they hope you will solve. When your front desk is on the phone, or talking to someone in person, they need to portray confidence that your practice will help the patient’s problem, or at least work to solve it.


We are still passing through challenging times. Some practice owners can’t really hire staff for the long term. Some front desk members can’t go to work because of many reasons. For example, there’s a segment of parents that still have to take care of their children. UPbook Remote Office (the solution to keep your front desk working, even at home) has been a solution for many of them. So resiliency, and adaptability to new ways of working, is key to having a high-performance front desk.


We must look for excellence to attract clients and turn your calls into appointments. The front desk can be the offense and defense of your team, so besides qualifying your staff, you can measure all those interactions through UPbook. To be a “banging” front desk, a great way is to keep your staff motivated through gift cards and prizes for achieved goals, which UPbook does automatically.


Organization at the front desk not only allows patients to have an unique experience, it also helps your practice to be relevant. Organized front desks can give practices speed to schedule, assist, and do the paperwork efficiently, with less “drama.” Of course, UPbook can help you with that as well.

All of these qualities are extremely important to have an efficient and profitable front desk. In order to know how your front desk is performing, you need some kind of metric to measure success. UPbook provides a software that will track this information for you, and much more. Create a five star front desk with UPbook.

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Tags: Business, UPbook business, front desk staff, Front Desk, Tips, UPbook


Written by Michael